The Faitheroic Generation (FHG) is a registered network business incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission with registration number RC2566725 while the UNIFHG TEAM is a division of FHG. The aim of UNIFHG team is to alleviate poverty through financial education & empowerment skills towards building a successful network marketing business with the headquarters (Support Office) in University Of Abuja, FCT, Abuja. The team has her organizational structure as well as divisions. The divisions are graciously approved by the headquarters with the aim of bringing the network business closer to persons who may be unaware of the succor and profitability of being a network marketer and a digital marketer. The UNIFHG TEAM is a division of the Faitheroic Generation and it is headed by a Team leader.


The division shall be addressed and known as the UNIFHG TEAM which is a division of FHG, a registered network marketing business incorporated on 04-01-2018 with the Corporate Affairs Commission (hereinafter referred to as CAC) No RC2566725.


This document shall be cited as the Guiding rules hereinafter referred to as ‘The Policy’ of the UNIFHG Team.


This policy is supreme and shall have binding force on ALL MEMBERS. The UNIFHG Team shall not be governed, ruled, led nor shall any person or group of persons take control of the Team or any part thereof except in accordance with the provisions of the rules contained in this Document.


Our Core aim is to alleviate poverty through financial education and empowerment skills towards building a successful network marketing business.


  1. Offer an easier and faster network marketing platform for members.
  2. Leverage ICT tools in raising successful digital entrepreneurs.
  3. Teach and mentor members on soft and hard skills towards financial freedom.
  4. Impart positive mindset in members through quality mind trainings.

The UNIFHG TEAM is devoted to offering a networking platform for its members and partners, acknowledging the endeavor and responsibility of the UNIFHG Team to fulfill their dreams. On this platform, everyone has the opportunity for rapid development, everyone can be much successful and happier.


The core values of the UNIFHG Team are
i. Loyalty

ii. Integrity

iii. Harmony

iv. Positive Mindset

v. Hard Work

i. Loyalty:
Each member is expected to be loyal to the UNIFHG Team

ii. Integrity:
Every member is to be of good character, for he is an Ambassador of the Team

iii. Harmony:
Every member is to engage in harmonious relationship both within and outside the office for a common goal in line with the objectives of the Team

iv. Positive Mindset:
One of the keys to success in the organization is a positive mindset. Having a positive attitude will create more opportunities that will lead to success.

v. Hard Work:
Hard work should be a habit among all members as there are no shortcuts to success.


i. Membership shall be open to all persons irrespective of Nationality, State of Origin, Sex, Religion or Age having indicated interest in joining the Team

ii. A person shall be deemed to be a member upon obtaining a membership form, fee of Ten Thousand Naira (N10,000) to be eligible to be enrolled in the UNIFHG Team which will be paid directly through the platform.

iii. He shall be entitled to pay a sum of Seven Thousand Naira (N7,000) after the first three months for office maintenance

iv. Consequent on the provisions of (i), (ii) and (iii) above, a person shall remain a bonafide member of the Team upon fulfilment of the requirements of being a registered member.

v. Without prejudice to (i)-(iv) above, registration of a new member shall be at the prerogative of the Team leader. He shall determine the requirements for registering the new member at his discretion.

vi. A newly registered member is otherwise known as ‘NEWBIE’

vii. A Newbie must become a Neolife distributor within the period of three months after registration to the policy. After three months without meeting this criteria, he/she will be placed on a “14-days Trial Period” to meet some goals set by the Team Leader.

Failure to achieve the goals after the trial period, he/she will be asked to;

i. Restart classes again with office punishments
ii. Restart as a NEWBIE
iii. Leave
All at the discretion of the team leader.

viii. Newbies must attend at least Twenty (25) hours training per week, and must register their presence every day in the office the three months incubation stage with Sunday exclusive.

ix. Any newbie who is below 18 years should provide a guarantor who shall be a member of his immediate family

x. A member shall:
a. Be corporately dressed at all times
b. Engage all members with every modicum of respect and dignity without recourse to age, sex, race or nationality
c. Have the privilege to be produced an identity card with full name, address, designation and any other details as may be deemed fit
d. Attend weekly trainings which are COMPULSORY for ALL MEMBERS (Registered and Non- Registered)
e. Attend all cheque rallies & company events as recommended to them by the team leader.

xi. A member’s obligation shall be to:
a. pay his monthly membership fees
b. participate in the activities of the Team
c. abide by the provisions of the rules provided therein
d. avoid acts that may dent the image and reputation of the Team
e. attend distributor’s training, PRO’s training, weekly training, and cheque rally.

xii. A fine of Seven Thousand Naira (N7,000) shall be imposed on a member who is absent from any meeting convened by the Team leadership.

xiii. Sequel to (xii) above, the fine shall be reviewed forward to a sum of Twenty Thousand Naira (N20,000) if a member defaults by absenting himself during each meeting period for five times.

xiv. Without prejudice to (xiii) and (xiv) above, a member who defaults in his obligations shall be subjected to disciplinary action(s) at the discretion of the team leader who shall mete out appropriate sanctions to the erring member with regards to the offence committed.

xv. A member shall not engage in any form promotions, engagements or actions related to the business strategy or asset either paid or free without necessary approval from the team leader.

xvi. Sequel to (xvi) above, any member who engages in the acts stated above shall be issued a stern warning at first, then be made to face dire consequences of his actions by being penalized if he does not desist from his actions.

xvii. A member’s earnings and subsequent spending shall be controlled by the team leader or a Senior Manager in his team line until he becomes a Senior Manager. His spending shall be subject to an approval from the team leader or Senior Manager before such funds can be cleared for withdrawal. Such spending shall also be monitored. (Note: Your Money is ALL yours).


  • The Team reserves the exclusive right to manage the personal information and all details on the payment portals of any member from deposits to withdrawals until he/she becomes a Senior Manager.
  • The funds are monitored diligently and not meant to be dispensed with, without approval from the team leader.
  • All business operational accounts would be provided by the organization and the credentials thereof, cannot be altered/changed, until attaining the Senior Manager status.

Breach of this is punishable by the following;
– He/She will be handed over to the appropriate local authorities for fraudulent theft case
– All earnings & available funds will be withheld
– His/Her membership status in the organization will be terminated

xix. Withdrawal of funds from the payment portal is subject to approval by the team leader, and it is strictly for business purpose before being directed for personal use.

xx. All first earnings are meant to be used for BUSINESS use only.

xxi. A person shall cease to be a member if:
a. He is absent from meetings for five consecutive times
b. he fails to fulfil his obligations as a member for a month
c. he fails to reach a target of 136 Points Value consecutively for two months
d. he perpetrates or engages in fraud of any kind
e. he perpetrates a dastardly act which may be detrimental to the image and reputation of the Team
f. he resigns his membership after due communication in writing to the Team leader at least three weeks before taking his leave

xxii. A ceasing member
a. shall be required to pay an amount of Fifty Thousand Naira (N50,000) for each month of retaining membership with the Team exclusively for continuous training.
b. shall be required to handover all properties of the Team in his care to the Team leader including his membership identity card.
c. business accounts will be confiscated and withheld.
d. shall be required to submit a video apology for misusing the business opportunity.


The hierarchical structure of the Team shall be:
i. Newbie
ii. Professional
iii. Distributor
iv. Manager
v. Senior Manager
vi. Director

i. Newbie
A person who is less than three months

ii. Professional:
One who has spent more than 3 months and has fully registered his membership with the UNIFHG Team. He carries out his task independently and trains newbies.

iii. Distributors
He is obliged to have a personal accumulation of 136 Points Value and has registered with Neolife.

iv. Manager:
He accomplishes a 500 Group Points Value (GPV) in group accumulation. A Distributor is entitled to become a Manager within 1-2 months and must have attained the prescription of his previous designation. He shall not spend more than two months on the current status.

v. Senior manager:
He accomplishes a 1,000 Group Points Value (GPV) in group accumulation. A Manager is entitled to become a Senior Manager within six to eight months and must have attained the prescription of his designation. He shall not spend more than eight months on his current status.

vi. Director:
A person shall become a Director within 1 year of joining the team.

i. Meetings shall be convened at the instance of the Team leader when he deems fit. Consequently, meeting periods shall serve as training periods for members and it shall be compulsory for all members (both registered and non-registered).
ii. All attendees must attend corporately and promptly. No form of lateness shall be condoned either online or physical.

iii. A member who is away from the jurisdiction shall duly communicate to the Team leader in writing at least within a week

iv. A member outside jurisdiction shall attend the Team’s meetings AT LEAST once a month – last Saturday of the month and all online training.

v. Distributors shall hold their meetings every Fridays.

vi. Senior Managers shall have their leadership meetings every Wednesdays which is compulsory or team leaders, Senior Managers, and Directors.


The UNIFHG Team Policy Committee shall have the power to amend any part of this Policy whenever it deems fit to do so.

PS: It’s mandatory you attach your passport to this document and submit a copy to your team leader

Your Full Name, Signature & Date

Sponsor’s Name, Signature & Date

Team Leader’s Name, Signature & Date

Upline Director’s Name, Signature & Date